Job Advertisement Trend for Location

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All Job Advertisement

  Month JobCount
1 02/2011 569
2 03/2011 2073
3 04/2011 1664
4 05/2011 1758
5 06/2011 1762
6 07/2011 1666
7 08/2011 1475
8 09/2011 1541
9 10/2011 1709
10 11/2011 1404
11 12/2011 1638
12 01/2012 1045
13 02/2012 1515
14 03/2012 1680
15 04/2012 1470
16 05/2012 2327
17 06/2012 2478
18 07/2012 6370
19 08/2012 6382
20 09/2012 4287
21 10/2012 5275
22 11/2012 5293
23 12/2012 3760
24 01/2013 4982
25 02/2013 4323
26 03/2013 5419
27 04/2013 6636
28 05/2013 3475
29 06/2013 3442
30 07/2013 4716
31 08/2013 6865
32 09/2013 6305

Job Advertisement with Higher Diploma

  Month JobCount
1 02/2011 135
2 03/2011 544
3 04/2011 500
4 05/2011 519
5 06/2011 557
6 07/2011 516
7 08/2011 493
8 09/2011 466
9 10/2011 519
10 11/2011 417
11 12/2011 486
12 01/2012 344
13 02/2012 448
14 03/2012 556
15 04/2012 433
16 05/2012 821
17 06/2012 877
18 07/2012 2039
19 08/2012 2045
20 09/2012 1403
21 10/2012 1696
22 11/2012 1800
23 12/2012 1329
24 01/2013 1643
25 02/2013 1554
26 03/2013 1956
27 04/2013 2281
28 05/2013 1132
29 06/2013 1165
30 07/2013 1343
31 08/2013 1957
32 09/2013 1770

3 months Forecasting by "Fit best ARIMA model to univariate time series (auto.arima)"

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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