Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Ajax

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Ajax 3440 613 863 614 471 435 63 222 135 195 419 385 443 157 683 170
Jquery 613 2382 531 613 500 223 0 72 28 50 436 433 598 74 212 251
web_application 863 531 9624 1073 718 612 51 280 178 420 621 715 1012 191 1611 237
JavaScript 614 613 1073 6061 1334 556 1 128 74 129 991 773 1005 111 650 463
CSS 471 500 718 1334 4292 190 1 132 75 97 790 719 887 72 477 315
xml 435 223 612 556 190 4342 1 152 40 171 490 251 358 100 654 106
Applet 63 0 51 1 1 1 138 0 63 0 2 2 0 129 4 0
Apache 222 72 280 128 132 152 0 1777 89 489 120 151 290 58 206 34
Jboss 135 28 178 74 75 40 63 89 782 126 39 53 17 125 124 1
Tomcat 195 50 420 129 97 171 0 489 126 1513 48 101 106 90 169 24
Flash 419 436 621 991 790 490 2 120 39 48 5594 793 792 87 302 309
Search_Engine_Optimization 385 433 715 773 719 251 2 151 53 101 793 4942 777 54 451 182
PHP 443 598 1012 1005 887 358 0 290 17 106 792 777 6370 130 469 229
JSP 157 74 191 111 72 100 129 58 125 90 87 54 130 1105 48 34
Microsoft__Dot_NET 683 212 1611 650 477 654 4 206 124 169 302 451 469 48 13020 155
HTML5 170 251 237 463 315 106 0 34 1 24 309 182 229 34 155 1408

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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supported by AWS in Education Grant award