Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Applet

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Applet 138 129 60 63 68 51 37 31 128 60 60 60 60 63 59 132
JSP 129 1105 74 125 109 56 75 32 328 163 95 136 136 157 104 604
EJB 60 74 496 79 79 1 1 0 300 111 88 200 200 82 4 345
Jboss 63 125 79 782 122 5 37 0 351 118 188 204 204 135 61 453
Struts 68 109 79 122 914 9 7 0 339 258 307 163 163 116 29 523
Swing 51 56 1 5 9 619 41 31 109 57 50 28 28 26 77 206
Visual_C_Plus__Plus_ 37 75 1 37 7 41 392 23 94 12 4 36 36 27 209 133
WPF 31 32 0 0 0 31 23 342 46 6 2 1 1 0 47 84
J2EE 128 328 300 351 339 109 94 46 7038 675 852 1132 1132 251 550 3664
Spring 60 163 111 118 258 57 12 6 675 1836 721 286 286 194 90 1036
Hibernate 60 95 88 188 307 50 4 2 852 721 1842 252 252 152 105 986
Websphere 60 136 200 204 163 28 36 1 1132 286 252 3045 3045 181 225 1329
WebSphere_WAS 60 136 200 204 163 28 36 1 1132 286 252 3045 3045 181 225 1329
Ajax 63 157 82 135 116 26 27 0 251 194 152 181 181 3440 135 912
C_Plus__Plus_ 59 104 4 61 29 77 209 47 550 90 105 225 225 135 5140 1903
Java 132 604 345 453 523 206 133 84 3664 1036 986 1329 1329 912 1903 25056

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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supported by AWS in Education Grant award