Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Associate_Degree

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Associate_Degree 4426 4426 3147 997 388 1023 21 486 829 274 306 123 169 572 278 60
Degree 4426 105752 27511 16987 4966 19985 65 9661 17918 3527 4704 1335 1789 10981 4299 538
Higher_Diploma 3147 27511 62542 9577 3563 11647 52 4618 8607 2777 3317 1120 1808 6627 2928 368
Java 997 16987 9577 25056 1816 6059 36 4046 4989 1439 1894 1024 535 2911 2027 143
mobile_application 388 4966 3563 1816 7717 1326 57 689 1402 817 2235 870 98 776 2143 28
SQL 1023 19985 11647 6059 1326 30011 37 5157 6948 1444 1229 296 524 16512 1064 227
J2ME 21 65 52 36 57 37 104 22 49 15 44 10 1 0 44 0
Microsoft__Dot_NET 486 9661 4618 4046 689 5157 22 13020 2791 469 683 221 239 3524 574 58
Documentation 829 17918 8607 4989 1402 6948 49 2791 25235 978 1239 318 609 4163 1159 199
PHP 274 3527 2777 1439 817 1444 15 469 978 6370 816 264 79 559 742 37
iOS 306 4704 3317 1894 2235 1229 44 683 1239 816 7445 1404 57 754 4781 6
Objective_Hyphen_C 123 1335 1120 1024 870 296 10 221 318 264 1404 2159 3 154 1247 1
Lotus_Notes 169 1789 1808 535 98 524 1 239 609 79 57 3 3380 331 62 25
Microsoft_SQL 572 10981 6627 2911 776 16512 0 3524 4163 559 754 154 331 16512 668 150
android 278 4299 2928 2027 2143 1064 44 574 1159 742 4781 1247 62 668 6737 2
clustering 60 538 368 143 28 227 0 58 199 37 6 1 25 150 2 774

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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