Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - BI

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

BI 5819 531 251 218 852 586 302 4695 638 888 1799 92 1713 187 89 355
Cognos 531 912 64 62 108 31 5 790 11 97 263 0 313 35 0 34
Hyperion 251 64 531 67 65 25 7 408 64 139 141 38 96 4 0 17
OLAP 218 62 67 534 103 51 17 469 52 137 223 0 267 92 9 37
SAP 852 108 65 103 6877 346 185 5194 414 1555 1279 57 1269 40 12 127
SharePoint 586 31 25 51 346 4088 312 2966 417 295 891 15 1443 97 166 136
Microsoft_Dynamics 302 5 7 17 185 312 1375 1051 626 799 117 20 401 4 264 52
Degree 4695 790 408 469 5194 2966 1051 105752 4009 6861 20586 192 19985 812 221 2555
CRM 638 11 64 52 414 417 626 4009 5461 1174 1126 158 1441 121 283 112
ERP 888 97 139 137 1555 295 799 6861 1174 9766 1795 55 2797 40 107 170
database 1799 263 141 223 1279 891 117 20586 1126 1795 29998 56 9802 294 15 1096
Siebel 92 0 38 0 57 15 20 192 158 55 56 271 33 1 20 13
SQL 1713 313 96 267 1269 1443 401 19985 1441 2797 9802 33 30011 311 94 1394
SAS 187 35 4 92 40 97 4 812 121 40 294 1 311 991 0 20
Dynamics_CRM 89 0 0 9 12 166 264 221 283 107 15 20 94 0 283 30
RDBMS 355 34 17 37 127 136 52 2555 112 170 1096 13 1394 20 30 3192

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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