Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Batch

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Batch 1651 239 183 253 366 226 272 72 416 69 135 24 54 180 79 14
batch_jobs 239 239 48 150 129 10 33 35 43 2 0 7 0 25 46 0
mainframe 183 48 1685 86 320 302 97 11 351 129 54 89 155 58 53 1
Data_Center 253 150 86 5798 1242 83 513 179 1537 235 114 6 80 404 257 16
UNIX 366 129 320 1242 12352 728 1181 398 4469 1065 390 79 561 994 452 55
Overseas 226 10 302 83 728 7871 873 166 1191 133 316 85 213 526 208 2
Central 272 33 97 513 1181 873 15011 300 2566 235 747 26 184 10706 283 9
Citrix 72 35 11 179 398 166 300 2185 537 49 55 9 23 176 149 1
database 416 43 351 1537 4469 1191 2566 537 29998 704 1279 64 839 1850 525 44
AIX 69 2 129 235 1065 133 235 49 704 2429 91 25 305 186 81 2
SAP 135 0 54 114 390 316 747 55 1279 91 6877 12 87 585 106 3
AS_Slash_400 24 7 89 6 79 85 26 9 64 25 12 499 66 18 13 0
DB2 54 0 155 80 561 213 184 23 839 305 87 66 1875 135 45 0
Central__And__Western_Area 180 25 58 404 994 526 10706 176 1850 186 585 18 135 10706 197 9
Lotus_Notes 79 46 53 257 452 208 283 149 525 81 106 13 45 197 3380 24
backup_Slash_restore 14 0 1 16 55 2 9 1 44 2 3 0 0 9 24 216

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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