Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - CSS

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

CSS 4292 1334 1167 887 500 545 790 719 862 366 315 471 711 266 116 283
JavaScript 1334 6061 1200 1005 613 478 991 773 898 412 463 614 938 280 115 253
HTML 1167 1200 4859 806 365 456 725 702 904 207 206 224 637 196 74 271
PHP 887 1005 806 6370 598 528 792 777 678 264 229 443 2020 264 97 192
Jquery 500 613 365 598 2382 214 436 433 312 135 251 613 408 267 63 94
web_design 545 478 456 528 214 2808 1048 462 1173 275 111 140 339 59 30 371
Flash 790 991 725 792 436 1048 5594 793 1831 1069 309 419 644 110 96 567
Search_Engine_Optimization 719 773 702 777 433 462 793 4942 492 221 182 385 740 180 132 229
Multimedia 862 898 904 678 312 1173 1831 492 6916 601 204 262 619 98 87 564
ActionScript 366 412 207 264 135 275 1069 221 601 1590 73 59 282 40 14 162
HTML5 315 463 206 229 251 111 309 182 204 73 1408 170 258 104 53 56
Ajax 471 614 224 443 613 140 419 385 262 59 170 3440 448 152 22 69
MySQL 711 938 637 2020 408 339 644 740 619 282 258 448 7200 247 138 174
MVC 266 280 196 264 267 59 110 180 98 40 104 152 247 1492 4 18
Wordpress 116 115 74 97 63 30 96 132 87 14 53 22 138 4 379 49
Photoshop 283 253 271 192 94 371 567 229 564 162 56 69 174 18 49 1990

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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Amazon web Services   Cloudera   Lively Impact Open Data Hong Kong IVE IT Discipline

supported by AWS in Education Grant award