Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Certification

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Certification 7917 864 1021 818 466 272 442 224 723 5606 512 91 331 161 482 282
ITIL_Foundation 864 3992 281 239 274 69 54 46 230 2568 342 12 331 22 131 246
MCSE 1021 281 5377 1795 25 68 372 37 246 2601 426 1 183 24 245 693
CCNA 818 239 1795 4959 23 70 740 40 275 2208 364 1 64 21 339 531
PMP 466 274 25 23 1971 21 12 11 101 1766 32 4 14 14 26 15
CISSP 272 69 68 70 21 1066 138 431 57 871 83 149 4 28 34 14
CCNP 442 54 372 740 12 138 2428 68 192 1586 160 17 43 235 119 53
CISA 224 46 37 40 11 431 68 774 44 611 42 76 7 3 24 8
Data_Center 723 230 246 275 101 57 192 44 5798 3355 410 5 179 43 89 156
Degree 5606 2568 2601 2208 1766 871 1586 611 3355 105752 2667 208 1309 576 3138 707
VMware 512 342 426 364 32 83 160 42 410 2667 4005 2 894 78 117 262
CISM 91 12 1 1 4 149 17 76 5 208 2 221 1 1 10 0
Citrix 331 331 183 64 14 4 43 7 179 1309 894 1 2185 8 48 70
CCIE 161 22 24 21 14 28 235 3 43 576 78 1 8 736 22 25
Quarry_Bay_ 482 131 245 339 26 34 119 24 89 3138 117 10 48 22 4265 99
MCITP 282 246 693 531 15 14 53 8 156 707 262 0 70 25 99 1965

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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