Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Cognos

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Cognos 912 531 64 62 97 103 114 37 46 790 132 313 36 35 66 66
BI 531 5819 251 218 213 224 337 59 29 4695 324 1713 101 187 193 193
Hyperion 64 251 531 67 18 18 46 0 1 408 19 96 1 4 8 8
OLAP 62 218 67 534 9 6 34 1 2 469 61 267 10 92 25 25
DB2 97 213 18 9 1875 305 74 40 116 1443 355 558 54 79 248 248
AIX 103 224 18 6 305 2429 123 102 86 1679 301 461 118 15 422 422
PL_Slash_SQL 114 337 46 34 74 123 2995 6 17 2491 630 961 183 103 203 203
RPG 37 59 0 1 40 102 6 549 1 453 63 107 2 1 58 58
MQ 46 29 1 2 116 86 17 1 870 708 116 232 44 3 282 282
Degree 790 4695 408 469 1443 1679 2491 453 708 105752 5489 19985 855 812 2381 2381
J2EE 132 324 19 61 355 301 630 63 116 5489 7038 1822 124 170 1132 1132
SQL 313 1713 96 267 558 461 961 107 232 19985 1822 30011 306 311 801 801
Unix_shell 36 101 1 10 54 118 183 2 44 855 124 306 1005 25 195 195
SAS 35 187 4 92 79 15 103 1 3 812 170 311 25 991 49 49
Websphere 66 193 8 25 248 422 203 58 282 2381 1132 801 195 49 3045 3045
WebSphere_WAS 66 193 8 25 248 422 203 58 282 2381 1132 801 195 49 3045 3045

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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