Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Crystal_Report

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Crystal_Report 2766 1179 1630 352 208 627 368 82 183 52 28 295 219 408 28 325
Microsoft_SQL 1179 16512 16512 1121 872 3524 2064 128 939 23 2 1544 683 1878 3 1381
SQL 1630 16512 30011 1765 1101 5157 2755 141 1182 81 22 2201 1004 2797 25 2046
Visual_Basic 352 1121 1765 3571 121 745 667 19 291 0 0 336 147 362 0 254
Visual_Studio 208 872 1101 121 1864 879 268 45 168 19 0 262 49 153 0 141
Microsoft__Dot_NET 627 3524 5157 745 879 13020 1570 191 527 30 22 1936 688 1051 22 755
ASP 368 2064 2755 667 268 1570 5801 57 635 1 0 1052 210 477 8 402
Silverlight 82 128 141 19 45 191 57 417 29 0 28 135 54 18 28 39
Visual_Basic_Dot_NET 183 939 1182 291 168 527 635 29 2073 1 0 281 84 124 0 158
iBatis 52 23 81 0 19 30 1 0 1 220 0 19 2 4 0 5
Siu_Sai_Wan_ 28 2 22 0 0 22 0 28 0 0 75 28 28 0 75 20
Visual_C_Sharp_ 295 1544 2201 336 262 1936 1052 135 281 19 28 5445 185 449 28 589
SDLC 219 683 1004 147 49 688 210 54 84 2 28 185 3546 334 28 339
ERP 408 1878 2797 362 153 1051 477 18 124 4 0 449 334 9766 3 915
Sai_Wan_ 28 3 25 0 0 22 8 28 0 0 75 28 28 3 112 21
in_Hyphen_house 325 1381 2046 254 141 755 402 39 158 5 20 589 339 915 21 7717

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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