Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - DB2

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

DB2 1875 305 189 73 313 47 80 561 248 248 116 47 355 839 155 97
AIX 305 2429 70 18 117 2 19 1065 422 422 86 6 301 704 129 103
COBOL 189 70 984 112 68 0 9 256 88 88 17 6 113 247 350 10
MVS 73 18 112 167 2 0 0 65 12 12 1 0 20 22 148 3
RDBMS 313 117 68 2 3192 13 49 660 293 293 32 43 478 1096 42 34
IBM_MQ 47 2 0 0 13 105 0 27 32 32 105 0 17 42 0 0
OCP 80 19 9 0 49 0 316 96 16 16 3 90 14 274 1 4
UNIX 561 1065 256 65 660 27 96 12352 736 736 200 43 1148 4469 320 154
Websphere 248 422 88 12 293 32 16 736 3045 3045 282 12 1132 941 81 66
WebSphere_WAS 248 422 88 12 293 32 16 736 3045 3045 282 12 1132 941 81 66
MQ 116 86 17 1 32 105 3 200 282 282 870 3 116 190 37 46
OCA 47 6 6 0 43 0 90 43 12 12 3 158 5 109 1 4
J2EE 355 301 113 20 478 17 14 1148 1132 1132 116 5 7038 2151 195 132
database 839 704 247 22 1096 42 274 4469 941 941 190 109 2151 29998 351 263
mainframe 155 129 350 148 42 0 1 320 81 81 37 1 195 351 1685 27
Cognos 97 103 10 3 34 0 4 154 66 66 46 4 132 263 27 912

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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