Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - DHTML

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

DHTML 211 84 89 145 147 144 34 46 33 97 112 3 26 32 13 52
PL_Slash_SQL 84 2995 162 881 1043 961 44 41 127 362 628 0 46 138 29 365
JavaScript 89 162 6061 769 1328 1561 242 991 556 571 1577 25 1334 1005 280 854
Documentation 145 881 769 25235 8047 6948 684 580 936 3262 6004 4 541 978 201 4163
Testing 147 1043 1328 8047 30576 7436 1156 923 1347 3960 7212 12 831 1352 392 4260
SQL 144 961 1561 6948 7436 30011 738 731 1486 4218 7599 3 932 1444 355 16512
Debugging 34 44 242 684 1156 738 2718 143 229 272 566 4 154 204 61 407
Flash 46 41 991 580 923 731 143 5594 490 470 1273 3 790 792 110 352
xml 33 127 556 936 1347 1486 229 490 4342 428 1020 3 190 358 156 752
Cantonese 97 362 571 3262 3960 4218 272 470 428 31671 4448 4 364 711 96 2504
Full_Time 112 628 1577 6004 7212 7599 566 1273 1020 4448 41278 9 905 1513 337 4007
Yii 3 0 25 4 12 3 4 3 3 4 9 71 24 26 52 0
CSS 26 46 1334 541 831 932 154 790 190 364 905 24 4292 887 266 638
PHP 32 138 1005 978 1352 1444 204 792 358 711 1513 26 887 6370 264 559
MVC 13 29 280 201 392 355 61 110 156 96 337 52 266 264 1492 164
Microsoft_SQL 52 365 854 4163 4260 16512 407 352 752 2504 4007 0 638 559 164 16512

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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