Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Data_Center

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Data_Center 5798 150 1242 1106 723 253 1114 410 80 35 1537 2615 235 326 704 172
batch_jobs 150 239 129 32 1 239 10 0 0 0 43 154 2 2 7 2
UNIX 1242 129 12352 817 856 366 3914 678 69 0 4469 4322 1065 942 1354 965
Kwun_Tong 1106 32 817 12955 867 65 1137 385 61 0 1593 5816 142 223 726 83
Certification 723 1 856 867 7917 100 798 512 63 1 1407 2750 255 429 276 120
Batch 253 239 366 65 100 1651 172 34 7 0 416 563 69 49 56 21
Linux 1114 10 3914 1137 798 172 17032 1223 167 65 4806 6752 622 1021 1312 733
VMware 410 0 678 385 512 34 1223 4005 51 36 967 1499 164 839 133 151
LPI 80 0 69 61 63 7 167 51 294 0 53 132 3 16 1 1
Fedora_ 35 0 0 0 1 0 65 36 0 67 25 7 0 35 0 0
database 1537 43 4469 1593 1407 416 4806 967 53 25 29998 10267 704 1009 3640 665
Higher_Diploma 2615 154 4322 5816 2750 563 6752 1499 132 7 10267 62542 724 1453 4618 611
AIX 235 2 1065 142 255 69 622 164 3 0 704 724 2429 387 144 419
SAN 326 2 942 223 429 49 1021 839 16 35 1009 1453 387 4537 175 351
Microsoft__Dot_NET 704 7 1354 726 276 56 1312 133 1 0 3640 4618 144 175 13020 95
Solaris 172 2 965 83 120 21 733 151 1 0 665 611 419 351 95 1776

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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