Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Degree

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Degree 105752 4426 21492 17918 20586 9661 19985 16987 4695 5489 7790 26058 10443 5900 5194 2912
Associate_Degree 4426 4426 869 829 826 486 1023 997 86 201 24 147 166 161 104 83
Testing 21492 869 30576 8047 7254 3741 7436 6161 1361 2105 2013 7212 2665 1774 1498 1359
Documentation 17918 829 8047 25235 5774 2791 6948 4989 1298 1507 1675 6004 2387 995 1494 1151
database 20586 826 7254 5774 29998 3640 9802 6380 1799 2151 1850 7064 2566 1191 1279 979
Microsoft__Dot_NET 9661 486 3741 2791 3640 13020 5157 4046 655 1317 1138 3033 1387 511 624 688
SQL 19985 1023 7436 6948 9802 5157 30011 6059 1713 1822 1874 7599 2562 1092 1269 1004
Java 16987 997 6161 4989 6380 4046 6059 25056 1162 3664 2203 6104 2643 985 835 1158
BI 4695 86 1361 1298 1799 655 1713 1162 5819 324 429 1303 606 246 852 289
J2EE 5489 201 2105 1507 2151 1317 1822 3664 324 7038 725 1898 903 490 227 533
Central__And__Western_Area 7790 24 2013 1675 1850 1138 1874 2203 429 725 10706 4495 10706 526 585 321
Full_Time 26058 147 7212 6004 7064 3033 7599 6104 1303 1898 4495 41278 5199 1844 1498 748
Central 10443 166 2665 2387 2566 1387 2562 2643 606 903 10706 5199 15011 873 747 430
Overseas 5900 161 1774 995 1191 511 1092 985 246 490 526 1844 873 7871 316 163
SAP 5194 104 1498 1494 1279 624 1269 835 852 227 585 1498 747 316 6877 120
SDLC 2912 83 1359 1151 979 688 1004 1158 289 533 321 748 430 163 120 3546

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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