Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Dreamwaver

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Dreamwaver 24 11 17 9 16 9 10 6 2 7 7 7 8 4 6 7
Photoshop 11 1990 567 11 192 11 283 162 25 271 25 78 183 77 564 28
Flash 17 567 5594 50 792 41 790 1069 54 725 91 301 300 117 1831 98
Solaris 9 11 50 1776 39 419 10 15 0 14 69 91 64 40 51 91
PHP 16 192 792 39 6370 115 887 264 32 806 157 469 271 109 678 138
AIX 9 11 41 419 115 2429 12 0 0 77 82 130 36 37 11 119
CSS 10 283 790 10 887 12 4292 366 26 1167 96 278 214 62 862 82
ActionScript 6 162 1069 15 264 0 366 1590 11 207 56 37 148 25 601 34
Freelance 2 25 54 0 32 0 26 11 379 18 32 10 39 13 71 4
HTML 7 271 725 14 806 77 1167 207 18 4859 155 310 187 133 904 163
CRM 7 25 91 69 157 82 96 56 32 155 5461 280 394 203 108 1174
ASP 7 78 301 91 469 130 278 37 10 310 280 5801 402 70 158 477
in_Hyphen_house 8 183 300 64 271 36 214 148 39 187 394 402 7717 138 314 915
Tsim_Sha_Tsui 4 77 117 40 109 37 62 25 13 133 203 70 138 2686 73 304
Multimedia 6 564 1831 51 678 11 862 601 71 904 108 158 314 73 6916 58
ERP 7 28 98 91 138 119 82 34 4 163 1174 477 915 304 58 9766

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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