Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - EDI

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

EDI 1014 407 404 36 71 49 28 846 79 98 71 132 122 315 141 197
ecommerce 407 7166 1404 34 5 56 1 5161 203 375 202 304 546 1384 305 787
Overseas 404 1404 7871 37 20 58 0 5900 252 195 128 416 265 1092 476 564
ADO_Dot_NET 36 34 37 88 0 37 0 68 0 9 40 1 0 33 11 33
OLAP 71 5 20 0 534 4 0 469 34 4 9 73 4 267 137 185
T_Hyphen_SQL 49 56 58 37 4 386 0 274 22 58 74 32 7 209 60 196
ColdFusion 28 1 0 0 0 0 136 109 0 0 0 11 13 69 14 68
Degree 846 5161 5900 68 469 274 109 105752 2491 2963 1994 4872 4340 19985 6861 10981
PL_Slash_SQL 79 203 252 0 34 22 0 2491 2995 127 59 122 127 961 280 365
xml 98 375 195 9 4 58 0 2963 127 4342 216 222 618 1486 179 752
Object_Hyphen_oriented_Programming 71 202 128 40 9 74 0 1994 59 216 2603 101 153 671 84 344
in_Hyphen_house 132 304 416 1 73 32 11 4872 122 222 101 7717 420 2046 915 1381
MySQL 122 546 265 0 4 7 13 4340 127 618 153 420 7200 1948 160 1218
SQL 315 1384 1092 33 267 209 69 19985 961 1486 671 2046 1948 30011 2797 16512
ERP 141 305 476 11 137 60 14 6861 280 179 84 915 160 2797 9766 1878
Microsoft_SQL 197 787 564 33 185 196 68 10981 365 752 344 1381 1218 16512 1878 16512

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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