Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Excel_Macro

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Excel_Macro 1524 647 95 28 27 406 567 228 140 88 183 466 92 174 443 255
Excel 647 6943 20 16 17 725 1301 579 241 37 300 1154 125 435 1227 662
PowerBuilder 95 20 817 0 21 135 336 10 73 101 167 409 41 33 391 35
SPSS 28 16 0 126 0 8 23 22 1 0 4 25 2 6 32 2
PEARL 27 17 21 0 134 9 15 29 0 0 4 38 17 10 41 6
Microsoft_SQL 406 725 135 8 9 16512 16512 730 1121 97 823 4260 1179 1381 5414 1202
SQL 567 1301 336 23 15 16512 30011 1362 1765 249 1822 7436 1630 2046 9802 2562
Access 228 579 10 22 29 730 1362 7462 255 82 136 1580 149 300 1598 682
Visual_Basic 140 241 73 1 0 1121 1765 255 3571 59 161 976 352 254 891 417
mainframe 88 37 101 0 0 97 249 82 59 1685 195 376 15 30 351 97
J2EE 183 300 167 4 4 823 1822 136 161 195 7038 2105 151 224 2151 903
Testing 466 1154 409 25 38 4260 7436 1580 976 376 2105 30576 720 1663 7254 2665
Crystal_Report 92 125 41 2 17 1179 1630 149 352 15 151 720 2766 325 681 212
in_Hyphen_house 174 435 33 6 10 1381 2046 300 254 30 224 1663 325 7717 1445 752
database 443 1227 391 32 41 5414 9802 1598 891 351 2151 7254 681 1445 29998 2566
Central 255 662 35 2 6 1202 2562 682 417 97 903 2665 212 752 2566 15011

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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