Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Facebook_App

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Facebook_App 134 58 17 48 74 43 29 62 27 32 55 51 39 34 34 13
MVC 58 1492 37 267 247 59 30 264 104 6 156 191 280 196 62 10
WAP 17 37 220 1 37 4 0 12 2 5 20 73 9 8 0 5
Jquery 48 267 1 2382 408 214 115 598 251 35 324 344 613 365 160 84
MySQL 74 247 37 408 7200 339 395 2020 258 84 718 802 938 637 406 84
web_design 43 59 4 214 339 2808 202 528 111 45 199 321 478 456 154 282
CMS 29 30 0 115 395 202 1351 435 76 52 195 196 246 233 75 36
PHP 62 264 12 598 2020 528 435 6370 229 74 742 816 1005 806 252 110
HTML5 27 104 2 251 258 111 76 229 1408 7 407 413 463 206 73 37
Lai_Chi_Kok 32 6 5 35 84 45 52 74 7 2261 192 219 59 113 1 33
android 55 156 20 324 718 199 195 742 407 192 6737 4781 524 457 241 66
iOS 51 191 73 344 802 321 196 816 413 219 4781 7445 580 479 267 78
JavaScript 39 280 9 613 938 478 246 1005 463 59 524 580 6061 1200 262 181
HTML 34 196 8 365 637 456 233 806 206 113 457 479 1200 4859 219 169
Wan_Chai 34 62 0 160 406 154 75 252 73 1 241 267 262 219 5616 68
Illustrator 13 10 5 84 84 282 36 110 37 33 66 78 181 169 68 1184

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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