Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Higher_Diploma

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Higher_Diploma 62542 3147 6192 3851 3161 2969 3652 5816 1236 976 1808 1560 3563 11647 2688 3297
Associate_Degree 3147 4426 418 128 230 168 250 268 78 63 169 139 388 1023 153 286
Fresh_graduate 6192 418 12254 522 289 444 457 1270 116 69 126 239 738 2438 466 840
Multimedia 3851 128 522 6916 23 24 49 323 1 23 36 1173 892 693 1831 619
MCSE 3161 230 289 23 5377 1795 1106 624 693 744 312 7 55 888 14 104
CCNA 2969 168 444 24 1795 4959 870 526 531 416 255 14 52 400 12 45
Windows_Server 3652 250 457 49 1106 870 7314 503 468 270 456 16 105 1611 58 183
Kwun_Tong 5816 268 1270 323 624 526 503 12955 278 134 527 134 453 1847 273 513
MCITP 1236 78 116 1 693 531 468 278 1965 194 71 0 20 304 4 18
MCP 976 63 69 23 744 416 270 134 194 1481 110 6 19 269 4 7
Lotus_Notes 1808 169 126 36 312 255 456 527 71 110 3380 9 98 524 37 31
web_design 1560 139 239 1173 7 14 16 134 0 6 9 2808 381 329 1048 339
mobile_application 3563 388 738 892 55 52 105 453 20 19 98 381 7717 1326 716 753
SQL 11647 1023 2438 693 888 400 1611 1847 304 269 524 329 1326 30011 731 1948
Flash 2688 153 466 1831 14 12 58 273 4 4 37 1048 716 731 5594 644
MySQL 3297 286 840 619 104 45 183 513 18 7 31 339 753 1948 644 7200

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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