Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Hyperion

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Hyperion 531 251 67 38 64 36 139 65 81 46 64 65 408 5 204 58
BI 251 5819 218 92 531 62 888 214 309 337 638 852 4695 3 1303 328
OLAP 67 218 534 0 62 1 137 7 14 34 52 103 469 0 177 75
Siebel 38 92 0 271 0 12 55 33 41 2 158 57 192 0 77 22
Cognos 64 531 62 0 912 9 97 19 28 114 11 108 790 0 260 94
Oracle_ERP 36 62 1 12 9 661 661 27 32 74 45 76 549 3 179 28
ERP 139 888 137 55 97 661 9766 153 260 280 1174 1555 6861 4 2315 477
Wan_Chai_Area 65 214 7 33 19 27 153 3301 3301 57 133 150 2282 2 1299 54
Wan_Chai 81 309 14 41 28 32 260 3301 5616 104 179 172 3825 2 1965 130
PL_Slash_SQL 46 337 34 2 114 74 280 57 104 2995 75 61 2491 54 628 146
CRM 64 638 52 158 11 45 1174 133 179 75 5461 414 4009 4 838 309
SAP 65 852 103 57 108 76 1555 150 172 61 414 6877 5194 2 1498 291
Degree 408 4695 469 192 790 549 6861 2282 3825 2491 4009 5194 105752 86 26058 4401
Pro_Start_C 5 3 0 0 0 3 4 2 2 54 4 2 86 88 20 1
Full_Time 204 1303 177 77 260 179 2315 1299 1965 628 838 1498 26058 20 41278 1550
Excel 58 328 75 22 94 28 477 54 130 146 309 291 4401 1 1550 6943

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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