Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - J2ME

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

J2ME 104 34 57 44 44 14 29 5 21 5 12 20 49 3 52 10
HTML5 34 1408 450 407 413 41 110 8 69 2 35 206 262 25 275 99
mobile_application 57 450 7717 2143 2235 114 359 19 388 9 115 605 1402 96 1472 870
android 44 407 2143 6737 4781 125 355 118 278 146 70 457 1159 110 997 1247
iOS 44 413 2235 4781 7445 170 394 131 306 164 110 479 1239 80 1080 1404
Blackberry 14 41 114 125 170 1303 33 2 49 0 15 10 310 19 113 2
Visual_C_Sharp_ 29 110 359 355 394 33 5445 64 135 2 49 181 1185 19 1199 167
UNITY 5 8 19 118 131 2 64 220 8 9 0 1 35 2 10 87
Associate_Degree 21 69 388 278 306 49 135 8 4426 8 2 214 829 8 826 123
Pok_Fu_Lam 5 2 9 146 164 0 2 9 8 336 0 5 23 1 41 72
Yau_Tsim_Mong_Area 12 35 115 70 110 15 49 0 2 0 1796 70 320 10 237 13
HTML 20 206 605 457 479 10 181 1 214 5 70 4859 533 7 812 95
Documentation 49 262 1402 1159 1239 310 1185 35 829 23 320 533 25235 33 5774 318
winphone 3 25 96 110 80 19 19 2 8 1 10 7 33 164 24 11
database 52 275 1472 997 1080 113 1199 10 826 41 237 812 5774 24 29998 173
Objective_Hyphen_C 10 99 870 1247 1404 2 167 87 123 72 13 95 318 11 173 2159

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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