Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - JNCIS

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

JNCIS 55 9 15 6 20 10 11 1 26 8 4 41 1 51 13 48
CCSA 9 58 4 0 25 7 18 5 14 9 0 41 1 43 6 49
TCP_Slash_IP 15 4 4096 39 393 167 554 5 655 131 22 1966 0 2110 340 2043
CCIE 6 0 39 736 161 235 80 0 148 23 7 105 0 421 107 576
Certification 20 25 393 161 7917 442 422 16 1141 239 36 2750 1 4526 856 5606
CCNP 10 7 167 235 442 2428 378 27 348 40 21 990 0 1368 177 1586
Firewall 11 18 554 80 422 378 4333 18 727 247 26 2113 1 2388 415 2443
CCSE 1 5 5 0 16 27 18 54 2 0 0 8 1 35 1 31
Documentation 26 14 655 148 1141 348 727 2 25235 609 221 8607 18 13381 2238 17918
Lotus_Notes 8 9 131 23 239 40 247 0 609 3380 46 1808 2 1923 452 1789
COBOL 4 0 22 7 36 21 26 0 221 46 984 341 0 439 256 748
Higher_Diploma 41 41 1966 105 2750 990 2113 8 8607 1808 341 62542 23 30527 4322 27511
ADO_Dot_NET 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 18 2 0 23 88 21 1 68
English 51 43 2110 421 4526 1368 2388 35 13381 1923 439 30527 21 99679 6751 56711
UNIX 13 6 340 107 856 177 415 1 2238 452 256 4322 1 6751 12352 8460
Degree 48 49 2043 576 5606 1586 2443 31 17918 1789 748 27511 68 56711 8460 105752

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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