Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Java

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Java 25056 3664 4046 1036 986 1903 1329 1329 1024 6380 16987 3149 2027 2599 604 1716
J2EE 3664 7038 1317 675 852 550 1132 1132 30 2151 5489 1148 331 981 328 444
Microsoft__Dot_NET 4046 1317 13020 203 372 903 521 521 221 3640 9661 1354 574 1611 48 1936
Spring 1036 675 203 1836 721 90 286 286 15 445 1316 203 117 330 163 74
Hibernate 986 852 372 721 1842 105 252 252 6 566 1440 296 88 459 95 43
C_Plus__Plus_ 1903 550 903 90 105 5140 225 225 322 893 3942 581 513 304 104 693
Websphere 1329 1132 521 286 252 225 3045 3045 11 941 2381 736 112 272 136 115
WebSphere_WAS 1329 1132 521 286 252 225 3045 3045 11 941 2381 736 112 272 136 115
Objective_Hyphen_C 1024 30 221 15 6 322 11 11 2159 173 1335 65 1247 299 17 167
database 6380 2151 3640 445 566 893 941 941 173 29998 20586 4469 997 2597 257 1199
Degree 16987 5489 9661 1316 1440 3942 2381 2381 1335 20586 105752 8460 4299 6549 751 3746
UNIX 3149 1148 1354 203 296 581 736 736 65 4469 8460 12352 246 603 124 328
android 2027 331 574 117 88 513 112 112 1247 997 4299 246 6737 584 66 355
web_application 2599 981 1611 330 459 304 272 272 299 2597 6549 603 584 9624 191 436
JSP 604 328 48 163 95 104 136 136 17 257 751 124 66 191 1105 24
Visual_C_Sharp_ 1716 444 1936 74 43 693 115 115 167 1199 3746 328 355 436 24 5445

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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