Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Jmeter

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Jmeter 62 12 30 62 17 41 12 3 6 12 14 62 12 12 5 12
Delphi 12 680 15 91 54 323 101 0 25 111 14 538 13 3 32 26
xml 30 15 4342 1347 86 1198 108 3 6 230 355 2963 293 282 74 400
Testing 62 91 1347 30576 703 7254 717 247 323 1008 2030 21492 1851 2013 439 2665
Quarry_Bay_ 17 54 86 703 4265 720 1 42 35 20 141 3138 145 7 41 29
database 41 323 1198 7254 720 29998 877 31 117 1406 1080 20586 997 1850 396 2566
Wan_Chai_Area 12 101 108 717 1 877 3301 8 24 3301 115 2282 90 0 62 58
test_automation 3 0 3 247 42 31 8 318 0 8 10 276 4 48 0 50
Microsoft_Dynamics 6 25 6 323 35 117 24 0 1375 38 14 1051 16 179 186 190
Wan_Chai 12 111 230 1008 20 1406 3301 8 38 5616 267 3825 241 6 84 179
iOS 14 14 355 2030 141 1080 115 10 14 267 7445 4704 4781 345 56 442
Degree 62 538 2963 21492 3138 20586 2282 276 1051 3825 4704 105752 4299 7790 1473 10443
android 12 13 293 1851 145 997 90 4 16 241 4781 4299 6737 292 60 354
Central__And__Western_Area 12 3 282 2013 7 1850 0 48 179 6 345 7790 292 10706 211 10706
POS 5 32 74 439 41 396 62 0 186 84 56 1473 60 211 2681 304
Central 12 26 400 2665 29 2566 58 50 190 179 442 10443 354 10706 304 15011

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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