Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - LAMP

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

LAMP 772 311 22 235 264 161 81 107 126 83 64 18 24 33 52 107
PHP 311 6370 5 2020 1012 887 290 443 777 598 264 25 113 48 125 358
Samba 22 5 73 17 2 22 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
MySQL 235 2020 17 7200 1036 711 482 448 740 408 247 12 86 34 93 618
web_application 264 1012 2 1036 9624 718 280 863 715 531 367 55 66 7 85 612
CSS 161 887 22 711 718 4292 132 471 719 500 266 10 13 36 64 190
Apache 81 290 4 482 280 132 1777 222 151 72 21 2 6 23 129 152
Ajax 107 443 9 448 863 471 222 3440 385 613 152 6 10 6 13 435
Search_Engine_Optimization 126 777 0 740 715 719 151 385 4942 433 180 13 53 37 11 251
Jquery 83 598 0 408 531 500 72 613 433 2382 267 21 32 2 8 223
MVC 64 264 0 247 367 266 21 152 180 267 1492 18 1 22 12 156
Ruby_on_Rails 18 25 0 12 55 10 2 6 13 21 18 141 0 0 9 4
Joomla 24 113 0 86 66 13 6 10 53 32 1 0 253 0 0 16
Tseung_Kwan_O 33 48 0 34 7 36 23 6 37 2 22 0 0 469 1 5
Perl 52 125 2 93 85 64 129 13 11 8 12 9 0 1 1108 26
xml 107 358 0 618 612 190 152 435 251 223 156 4 16 5 26 4342

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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supported by AWS in Education Grant award