Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Linux

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Linux 17032 3914 449 1223 733 1777 4806 493 1113 1126 1012 919 1167 577 1021 125
UNIX 3914 12352 195 678 965 601 4469 432 340 415 1257 301 581 235 942 4
Redhat 449 195 592 143 97 82 95 31 47 18 9 50 51 44 124 2
VMware 1223 678 143 4005 151 76 967 53 224 338 223 11 37 34 839 0
Solaris 733 965 97 151 1776 142 665 79 49 117 216 28 79 13 351 0
MySQL 1777 601 82 76 142 7200 2554 93 101 144 255 151 193 482 159 8
database 4806 4469 95 967 665 2554 29998 289 526 635 3909 498 893 522 1009 30
Perl 493 432 31 53 79 93 289 1108 74 17 44 51 142 129 77 39
TCP_Slash_IP 1113 340 47 224 49 101 526 74 4096 554 41 153 184 41 205 0
Firewall 1126 415 18 338 117 144 635 17 554 4333 52 21 33 132 326 8
Oracle_Database 1012 1257 9 223 216 255 3909 44 41 52 3909 39 108 40 176 4
C 919 301 50 11 28 151 498 51 153 21 39 3450 955 110 22 52
C_Plus__Plus_ 1167 581 51 37 79 193 893 142 184 33 108 955 5140 89 77 50
Apache 577 235 44 34 13 482 522 129 41 132 40 110 89 1777 48 9
SAN 1021 942 124 839 351 159 1009 77 205 326 176 22 77 48 4537 15
Bash 125 4 2 0 0 8 30 39 0 8 4 52 50 9 15 161

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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