Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - MCP

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

MCP 1481 744 416 194 179 270 976 97 160 32 110 46 71 81 141 11
MCSE 744 5377 1795 693 572 1106 3161 249 281 73 312 135 372 271 1021 14
CCNA 416 1795 4959 531 346 870 2969 78 239 51 255 25 740 261 818 13
MCITP 194 693 531 1965 402 468 1236 37 246 4 71 51 53 187 282 3
Active_Directory 179 572 346 402 3198 908 1350 54 298 70 265 67 109 404 221 13
Windows_Server 270 1106 870 468 908 7314 3652 138 520 68 456 79 231 308 597 22
Higher_Diploma 976 3161 2969 1236 1350 3652 62542 812 1312 124 1808 368 990 1169 2750 53
Outlook 97 249 78 37 54 138 812 1331 54 10 78 4 23 8 174 0
ITIL_Foundation 160 281 239 246 298 520 1312 54 3992 21 159 18 54 125 864 13
DHCP 32 73 51 4 70 68 124 10 21 330 14 3 51 22 12 0
Lotus_Notes 110 312 255 71 265 456 1808 78 159 14 3380 25 40 230 239 0
clustering 46 135 25 51 67 79 368 4 18 3 25 774 11 93 97 0
CCNP 71 372 740 53 109 231 990 23 54 51 40 11 2428 106 442 0
Virtualization 81 271 261 187 404 308 1169 8 125 22 230 93 106 3059 318 5
Certification 141 1021 818 282 221 597 2750 174 864 12 239 97 442 318 7917 4
Qi 11 14 13 3 13 22 53 0 13 0 0 0 0 5 4 122

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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