Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - MS_Project

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

MS_Project 302 32 33 36 4 55 14 251 123 40 211 12 32 72 51 11
Visio 32 417 0 8 4 72 2 302 106 32 223 53 24 57 46 1
Software_as_a_service 33 0 675 5 0 76 0 576 198 10 318 32 33 32 81 5
PMP 36 8 5 1971 0 83 131 1766 488 126 1125 11 466 327 67 10
Tcl 4 4 0 0 49 0 0 32 16 3 18 0 0 6 4 0
Excel 55 72 76 83 0 6943 54 4401 1550 477 3881 695 451 1048 725 36
PRINCE 14 2 0 131 0 54 687 518 212 27 378 9 67 123 43 0
Degree 251 302 576 1766 32 4401 518 105752 26058 6861 56711 1013 5606 17918 10981 1064
Full_Time 123 106 198 488 16 1550 212 26058 41278 2315 20927 353 1757 6004 4007 432
ERP 40 32 10 126 3 477 27 6861 2315 9766 4795 57 283 1987 1878 53
English 211 223 318 1125 18 3881 378 56711 20927 4795 99679 1146 4526 13381 8678 710
PowerPoint 12 53 32 11 0 695 9 1013 353 57 1146 1645 63 220 57 60
Certification 32 24 33 466 0 451 67 5606 1757 283 4526 63 7917 1141 435 29
Documentation 72 57 32 327 6 1048 123 17918 6004 1987 13381 220 1141 25235 4163 268
Microsoft_SQL 51 46 81 67 4 725 43 10981 4007 1878 8678 57 435 4163 16512 256
Sheung_Wan 11 1 5 10 0 36 0 1064 432 53 710 60 29 268 256 1724

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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