Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - MVS

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

MVS 167 148 112 73 96 65 11 9 33 7 18 32 20 9 22 54
mainframe 148 1685 350 155 302 320 77 89 73 15 129 68 53 101 32 272
COBOL 112 350 984 189 280 256 71 97 87 11 70 78 46 34 34 324
DB2 73 155 189 1875 213 561 40 66 51 4 305 92 45 18 69 601
Overseas 96 302 280 213 7871 728 106 85 254 9 133 375 208 47 447 985
UNIX 65 320 256 561 728 12352 101 79 362 32 1065 1023 452 221 364 3149
RPG 11 77 71 40 106 101 549 154 22 0 102 10 14 7 12 127
AS_Slash_400 9 89 97 66 85 79 154 499 9 0 25 17 13 1 12 73
ASP 33 73 87 51 254 362 22 9 5801 5 130 172 52 48 180 1156
DMS 7 15 11 4 9 32 0 0 5 377 7 18 17 1 14 98
AIX 18 129 70 305 133 1065 102 25 130 7 2429 161 81 18 102 543
Windows_Server 32 68 78 92 375 1023 10 17 172 18 161 7314 456 32 227 877
Lotus_Notes 20 53 46 45 208 452 14 13 52 17 81 456 3380 29 69 535
PowerBuilder 9 101 34 18 47 221 7 1 48 1 18 32 29 817 21 276
Wan_Chai 22 32 34 69 447 364 12 12 180 14 102 227 69 21 5616 910
Java 54 272 324 601 985 3149 127 73 1156 98 543 877 535 276 910 25056

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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