Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Microsoft__Dot_NET

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Microsoft__Dot_NET 13020 1936 5157 3524 879 4046 1570 1043 207 9661 3741 1317 3640 1611 117 183
Visual_C_Sharp_ 1936 5445 2201 1544 262 1716 1052 229 49 3746 1606 444 1199 436 6 87
SQL 5157 2201 30011 16512 1101 6059 2755 1443 159 19985 7436 1822 9802 2835 16 135
Microsoft_SQL 3524 1544 16512 16512 872 2911 2064 993 151 10981 4260 823 5414 1616 11 76
Visual_Studio 879 262 1101 872 1864 373 268 199 5 1294 609 58 476 330 2 35
Java 4046 1716 6059 2911 373 25056 1156 777 23 16987 6161 3664 6380 2599 9 84
ASP 1570 1052 2755 2064 268 1156 5801 292 137 3853 1567 295 1537 898 35 45
SharePoint 1043 229 1443 993 199 777 292 4088 6 2966 860 257 891 302 0 20
WCF 207 49 159 151 5 23 137 6 258 202 173 5 146 2 14 95
Degree 9661 3746 19985 10981 1294 16987 3853 2966 202 105752 21492 5489 20586 6549 128 226
Testing 3741 1606 7436 4260 609 6161 1567 860 173 21492 30576 2105 7254 2474 78 108
J2EE 1317 444 1822 823 58 3664 295 257 5 5489 2105 7038 2151 981 0 46
database 3640 1199 9802 5414 476 6380 1537 891 146 20586 7254 2151 29998 2597 94 47
web_application 1611 436 2835 1616 330 2599 898 302 2 6549 2474 981 2597 9624 3 35
Window_Azure 117 6 16 11 2 9 35 0 14 128 78 0 94 3 148 0
WPF 183 87 135 76 35 84 45 20 95 226 108 46 47 35 0 342

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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