Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - MySQL

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

MySQL 7200 2020 423 482 395 938 1777 2554 396 711 740 235 1036 618 637 408
PHP 2020 6370 377 290 435 1005 1042 1606 106 887 777 311 1012 358 806 598
Open_Source 423 377 1325 114 166 204 371 315 95 181 194 51 211 79 83 86
Apache 482 290 114 1777 31 128 577 522 489 132 151 81 280 152 148 72
CMS 395 435 166 31 1351 246 194 348 25 220 347 30 259 111 233 115
JavaScript 938 1005 204 128 246 6061 718 1386 129 1334 773 119 1073 556 1200 613
Linux 1777 1042 371 577 194 718 17032 4806 438 432 459 117 1041 486 390 196
database 2554 1606 315 522 348 1386 4806 29998 479 782 1033 177 2597 1198 812 517
Tomcat 396 106 95 489 25 129 438 479 1513 97 101 1 420 171 113 50
CSS 711 887 181 132 220 1334 432 782 97 4292 719 161 718 190 1167 500
Search_Engine_Optimization 740 777 194 151 347 773 459 1033 101 719 4942 126 715 251 702 433
LAMP 235 311 51 81 30 119 117 177 1 161 126 772 264 107 86 83
web_application 1036 1012 211 280 259 1073 1041 2597 420 718 715 264 9624 612 466 531
xml 618 358 79 152 111 556 486 1198 171 190 251 107 612 4342 414 223
HTML 637 806 83 148 233 1200 390 812 113 1167 702 86 466 414 4859 365
Jquery 408 598 86 72 115 613 196 517 50 500 433 83 531 223 365 2382

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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supported by AWS in Education Grant award