Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - ODBC

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

ODBC 47 13 11 17 13 14 14 18 14 3 15 15 31 15 27 16
Eclipse 13 859 18 0 18 36 80 11 28 4 39 7 163 102 220 39
UML 11 18 917 14 174 168 47 112 11 2 126 15 305 96 416 238
Kowloon_Bay 17 0 14 3593 80 36 92 100 48 49 162 314 458 224 942 192
Object_Hyphen_oriented_Programming 13 18 174 80 2603 100 167 243 32 48 128 74 722 349 916 495
RDBMS 14 36 168 36 100 3192 83 212 112 6 216 63 1096 251 1118 683
Ajax 14 80 47 92 167 83 3440 374 113 25 103 83 911 863 1065 683
ASP 18 11 112 100 243 212 374 5801 137 53 254 120 1537 898 1567 1570
Oracle_Database 14 28 11 48 32 112 113 137 3909 1 296 275 3909 274 1164 536
SOAP 3 4 2 49 48 6 25 53 1 305 4 1 84 38 170 76
Overseas 15 39 126 162 128 216 103 254 296 4 7871 262 1191 205 1774 511
Certification 15 7 15 314 74 63 83 120 275 1 262 7917 1407 221 1369 276
database 31 163 305 458 722 1096 911 1537 3909 84 1191 1407 29998 2597 7254 3640
web_application 15 102 96 224 349 251 863 898 274 38 205 221 2597 9624 2474 1611
Testing 27 220 416 942 916 1118 1065 1567 1164 170 1774 1369 7254 2474 30576 3741
Microsoft__Dot_NET 16 39 238 192 495 683 683 1570 536 76 511 276 3640 1611 3741 13020

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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