Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - OLAP

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

OLAP 534 67 92 218 71 62 116 87 267 137 185 103 213 223 9 59
Hyperion 67 531 4 251 1 64 18 34 96 139 57 65 100 141 0 13
SAS 92 4 991 187 2 35 27 71 311 40 64 40 154 294 12 87
BI 218 251 187 5819 69 531 364 282 1713 888 848 852 1298 1799 0 289
EDI 71 1 2 69 1014 1 84 49 315 141 197 100 244 237 0 14
Cognos 62 64 35 531 1 912 16 58 313 97 174 108 217 263 0 46
Visual_C_Sharp_ 116 18 27 364 84 16 5445 102 2201 449 1544 392 1185 1199 10 185
Oracle_Database 87 34 71 282 49 58 102 3909 1065 253 546 256 861 3909 32 132
SQL 267 96 311 1713 315 313 2201 1065 30011 2797 16512 1269 6948 9802 78 1004
ERP 137 139 40 888 141 97 449 253 2797 9766 1878 1555 1987 1795 35 334
Microsoft_SQL 185 57 64 848 197 174 1544 546 16512 1878 16512 822 4163 5414 41 683
SAP 103 65 40 852 100 108 392 256 1269 1555 822 6877 1494 1279 0 120
Documentation 213 100 154 1298 244 217 1185 861 6948 1987 4163 1494 25235 5774 29 1151
database 223 141 294 1799 237 263 1199 3909 9802 1795 5414 1279 5774 29998 75 979
MyEclipse 9 0 12 0 0 0 10 32 78 35 41 0 29 75 100 13
SDLC 59 13 87 289 14 46 185 132 1004 334 683 120 1151 979 13 3546

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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