Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Oracle_Database

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Oracle_Database 3909 3909 1257 120 387 1012 528 216 131 1066 138 2919 1164 87 175 114
database 3909 29998 4469 274 1048 4806 2151 665 318 6380 363 20586 7254 223 566 322
UNIX 1257 4469 12352 96 658 3914 1148 965 142 3149 1005 8460 2559 88 296 135
OCP 120 274 96 316 13 115 14 63 0 54 7 253 106 0 6 0
PL_Slash_SQL 387 1048 658 13 2995 381 630 39 77 822 183 2491 1043 34 201 42
Linux 1012 4806 3914 115 381 17032 821 733 106 3151 210 10995 3274 58 245 116
J2EE 528 2151 1148 14 630 821 7038 154 351 3664 124 5489 2105 61 852 339
Solaris 216 665 965 63 39 733 154 1776 12 329 90 1227 331 0 61 39
Jboss 131 318 142 0 77 106 351 12 782 453 9 562 356 1 188 122
Java 1066 6380 3149 54 822 3151 3664 329 453 25056 213 16987 6161 100 986 523
Unix_shell 138 363 1005 7 183 210 124 90 9 213 1005 855 247 10 3 33
Degree 2919 20586 8460 253 2491 10995 5489 1227 562 16987 855 105752 21492 469 1440 575
Testing 1164 7254 2559 106 1043 3274 2105 331 356 6161 247 21492 30576 193 561 242
OLAP 87 223 88 0 34 58 61 0 1 100 10 469 193 534 26 0
Hibernate 175 566 296 6 201 245 852 61 188 986 3 1440 561 26 1842 307
Struts 114 322 135 0 42 116 339 39 122 523 33 575 242 0 307 914

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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