Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - PROGRESS_database

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

PROGRESS_database 42 9 18 17 42 2 28 14 21 42 2 12 2 13 4 2
client__Slash__server 9 145 1 0 71 0 61 17 15 73 0 2 0 48 22 1
SDLC 18 1 3546 38 979 0 1359 502 1151 2912 1 437 58 1158 166 40
Kowloon_Bay 17 0 38 3593 458 0 942 92 671 2156 6 310 7 483 196 12
database 42 71 979 458 29998 42 7254 4469 5774 20586 201 4806 190 6380 1198 414
IBM_MQ 2 0 0 0 42 105 31 27 5 95 2 8 105 25 13 2
Testing 28 61 1359 942 7254 31 30576 2559 8047 21492 203 3274 260 6161 1347 311
UNIX 14 17 502 92 4469 27 2559 12352 2238 8460 138 3914 200 3149 404 374
Documentation 21 15 1151 671 5774 5 8047 2238 25235 17918 126 2866 175 4989 936 372
Degree 42 73 2912 2156 20586 95 21492 8460 17918 105752 549 10995 708 16987 2963 1103
Oracle_ERP 2 0 1 6 201 2 203 138 126 549 661 59 8 140 7 15
Linux 12 2 437 310 4806 8 3274 3914 2866 10995 59 17032 99 3151 486 177
MQ 2 0 58 7 190 105 260 200 175 708 8 99 870 318 43 58
Java 13 48 1158 483 6380 25 6161 3149 4989 16987 140 3151 318 25056 1243 490
xml 4 22 166 196 1198 13 1347 404 936 2963 7 486 43 1243 4342 145
Weblogic 2 1 40 12 414 2 311 374 372 1103 15 177 58 490 145 1339

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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