Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - PowerBuilder

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

PowerBuilder 817 159 101 95 68 21 21 409 167 391 221 329 336 82 82 120
PL_Slash_SQL 159 2995 52 33 30 0 43 1043 630 1048 658 881 961 203 203 138
mainframe 101 52 1685 88 8 0 0 376 195 351 320 318 249 81 81 109
Excel_Macro 95 33 88 1524 17 27 0 466 183 443 99 338 567 40 40 119
Sybase 68 30 8 17 932 1 3 161 51 439 277 205 433 44 44 19
PEARL 21 0 0 27 1 134 0 38 4 41 10 23 15 1 1 15
Jasper_Report 21 43 0 0 3 0 137 36 35 40 24 21 51 30 30 0
Testing 409 1043 376 466 161 38 36 30576 2105 7254 2559 8047 7436 984 984 1352
J2EE 167 630 195 183 51 4 35 2105 7038 2151 1148 1507 1822 1132 1132 322
database 391 1048 351 443 439 41 40 7254 2151 29998 4469 5774 9802 941 941 1606
UNIX 221 658 320 99 277 10 24 2559 1148 4469 12352 2238 2370 736 736 226
Documentation 329 881 318 338 205 23 21 8047 1507 5774 2238 25235 6948 660 660 978
SQL 336 961 249 567 433 15 51 7436 1822 9802 2370 6948 30011 801 801 1444
Websphere 82 203 81 40 44 1 30 984 1132 941 736 660 801 3045 3045 134
WebSphere_WAS 82 203 81 40 44 1 30 984 1132 941 736 660 801 3045 3045 134
PHP 120 138 109 119 19 15 0 1352 322 1606 226 978 1444 134 134 6370

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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supported by AWS in Education Grant award