Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - RDBMS

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

RDBMS 3192 168 167 313 1394 168 1137 860 188 293 293 478 683 660 329 1118
Informix 168 324 6 25 73 0 128 26 1 6 6 45 119 184 8 161
EJB 167 6 496 36 81 27 345 46 18 200 200 300 57 43 58 195
DB2 313 25 36 1875 558 34 601 292 81 248 248 355 213 561 108 565
SQL 1394 73 81 558 30011 372 6059 16512 395 801 801 1822 5157 2370 1486 7436
UML 168 0 27 34 372 917 376 205 68 136 136 174 238 107 79 416
Java 1137 128 345 601 6059 376 25056 2911 490 1329 1329 3664 4046 3149 1243 6161
Microsoft_SQL 860 26 46 292 16512 205 2911 16512 228 478 478 823 3524 1039 752 4260
Weblogic 188 1 18 81 395 68 490 228 1339 339 339 422 205 374 145 311
Websphere 293 6 200 248 801 136 1329 478 339 3045 3045 1132 521 736 300 984
WebSphere_WAS 293 6 200 248 801 136 1329 478 339 3045 3045 1132 521 736 300 984
J2EE 478 45 300 355 1822 174 3664 823 422 1132 1132 7038 1317 1148 406 2105
Microsoft__Dot_NET 683 119 57 213 5157 238 4046 3524 205 521 521 1317 13020 1354 654 3741
UNIX 660 184 43 561 2370 107 3149 1039 374 736 736 1148 1354 12352 404 2559
xml 329 8 58 108 1486 79 1243 752 145 300 300 406 654 404 4342 1347
Testing 1118 161 195 565 7436 416 6161 4260 311 984 984 2105 3741 2559 1347 30576

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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