Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - SAP

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

SAP 6877 1555 852 5194 205 1494 68 185 103 346 414 250 57 392 1498 108
ERP 1555 9766 888 6861 347 1987 72 799 137 295 1174 563 55 449 2369 97
BI 852 888 5819 4695 130 1298 0 302 218 586 638 152 92 364 1361 531
Degree 5194 6861 4695 105752 797 17918 173 1051 469 2966 4009 1473 192 3746 21492 790
Oracle_EBS 205 347 130 797 950 274 4 102 2 17 24 88 3 37 163 23
Documentation 1494 1987 1298 17918 274 25235 84 256 213 931 920 511 51 1185 8047 217
testing_plan 68 72 0 173 4 84 242 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 242 0
Microsoft_Dynamics 185 799 302 1051 102 256 5 1375 17 312 626 186 20 33 323 5
OLAP 103 137 218 469 2 213 0 17 534 51 52 6 0 116 193 62
SharePoint 346 295 586 2966 17 931 0 312 51 4088 417 40 15 229 860 31
CRM 414 1174 638 4009 24 920 0 626 52 417 5461 266 158 381 1062 11
POS 250 563 152 1473 88 511 2 186 6 40 266 2681 2 110 439 17
Siebel 57 55 92 192 3 51 0 20 0 15 158 2 271 0 34 0
Visual_C_Sharp_ 392 449 364 3746 37 1185 0 33 116 229 381 110 0 5445 1606 16
Testing 1498 2369 1361 21492 163 8047 242 323 193 860 1062 439 34 1606 30576 202
Cognos 108 97 531 790 23 217 0 5 62 31 11 17 0 16 202 912

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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