Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - SIT

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

SIT 458 195 83 17 48 21 40 70 85 12 344 8 65 25 80 315
UAT 195 4548 151 40 265 57 170 324 586 36 3375 8 462 105 682 2575
Visual_Basic 83 151 3571 2 147 88 127 120 745 14 2287 6 304 66 417 1794
test_automation 17 40 2 318 18 0 2 49 42 9 276 0 48 22 50 112
SDLC 48 265 147 18 3546 47 190 163 688 30 2912 0 321 72 430 2053
Sybase 21 57 88 0 47 932 30 57 173 2 670 8 119 67 140 500
PL_Slash_SQL 40 170 127 2 190 30 2995 252 577 6 2491 13 125 123 193 1607
Overseas 70 324 120 49 163 57 252 7871 511 106 5900 7 526 133 873 3666
Microsoft__Dot_NET 85 586 745 42 688 173 577 511 13020 40 9661 13 1138 144 1387 6569
RPG 12 36 14 9 30 2 6 106 40 549 453 1 41 102 50 198
Degree 344 3375 2287 276 2912 670 2491 5900 9661 453 105752 253 7790 1679 10443 56711
OCP 8 8 6 0 0 8 13 7 13 1 253 316 17 19 24 151
Central__And__Western_Area 65 462 304 48 321 119 125 526 1138 41 7790 17 10706 186 10706 5490
AIX 25 105 66 22 72 67 123 133 144 102 1679 19 186 2429 235 1274
Central 80 682 417 50 430 140 193 873 1387 50 10443 24 10706 235 15011 7794
English 315 2575 1794 112 2053 500 1607 3666 6569 198 56711 151 5490 1274 7794 99679

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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