Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Smarty

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Smarty 36 28 3 3 18 5 12 24 5 4 21 1 3 3 34 25
PHP 28 6370 47 19 1012 43 817 1606 290 264 1444 13 377 84 3527 2777
Mobile_Website 3 47 202 3 27 0 17 105 3 9 72 1 6 0 116 98
Subversion 3 19 3 239 12 0 44 101 3 19 43 1 14 0 175 41
web_application 18 1012 27 12 9624 88 1127 2597 280 367 2835 10 211 95 6549 3738
Hung_Hom 5 43 0 0 88 1117 73 165 3 11 279 0 9 0 704 421
mobile_application 12 817 17 44 1127 73 7717 1472 144 185 1326 1 85 48 4966 3563
database 24 1606 105 101 2597 165 1472 29998 522 351 9802 34 315 237 20586 10267
Apache 5 290 3 3 280 3 144 522 1777 21 502 7 114 30 1262 659
MVC 4 264 9 19 367 11 185 351 21 1492 355 3 36 10 1129 512
SQL 21 1444 72 43 2835 279 1326 9802 502 355 30011 32 256 327 19985 11647
Tuen_Mun_Area 1 13 1 1 10 0 1 34 7 3 32 151 2 0 72 72
Open_Source 3 377 6 14 211 9 85 315 114 36 256 2 1325 5 878 546
Tsuen_Wan_Area 3 84 0 0 95 0 48 237 30 10 327 0 5 1608 877 619
Degree 34 3527 116 175 6549 704 4966 20586 1262 1129 19985 72 878 877 105752 27511
Higher_Diploma 25 2777 98 41 3738 421 3563 10267 659 512 11647 72 546 619 27511 62542

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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