Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - TCP_Slash_IP

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

TCP_Slash_IP 4096 554 1113 326 502 281 58 421 508 285 68 1966 219 92 133 393
Firewall 554 4333 1126 283 559 594 32 346 542 304 0 2113 192 78 348 422
Linux 1113 1126 17032 359 643 578 36 777 1358 745 83 6752 639 139 294 798
LAN_Slash_WAN 326 283 359 2256 399 223 1 303 232 168 0 1083 120 54 74 181
CCNA 502 559 643 399 4959 429 3 1795 870 346 0 2969 261 40 274 818
VPN 281 594 578 223 429 2518 29 246 292 277 0 1316 103 48 200 249
Windows_scripting 58 32 36 1 3 29 165 4 43 54 7 36 1 9 3 1
MCSE 421 346 777 303 1795 246 4 5377 1106 572 0 3161 271 37 151 1021
Windows_Server 508 542 1358 232 870 292 43 1106 7314 908 5 3652 308 27 308 597
Active_Directory 285 304 745 168 346 277 54 572 908 3198 0 1350 404 7 159 221
SOAP 68 0 83 0 0 0 7 0 5 0 305 15 0 1 0 1
Higher_Diploma 1966 2113 6752 1083 2969 1316 36 3161 3652 1350 15 62542 1169 120 681 2750
Virtualization 219 192 639 120 261 103 1 271 308 404 0 1169 3059 12 71 318
CISA 92 78 139 54 40 48 9 37 27 7 1 120 12 774 0 224
Switches 133 348 294 74 274 200 3 151 308 159 0 681 71 0 1455 108
Certification 393 422 798 181 818 249 1 1021 597 221 1 2750 318 224 108 7917

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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