Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Testing

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Testing 30576 8047 21492 1874 7436 7254 3741 6161 1156 1359 4260 242 2105 247 1118 1043
Documentation 8047 25235 17918 1307 6948 5774 2791 4989 684 1151 4163 84 1507 30 644 881
Degree 21492 17918 105752 3375 19985 20586 9661 16987 1906 2912 10981 173 5489 276 2555 2491
UAT 1874 1307 3375 4548 1175 853 586 1003 51 265 783 32 298 40 106 170
SQL 7436 6948 19985 1175 30011 9802 5157 6059 738 1004 16512 35 1822 21 1394 961
database 7254 5774 20586 853 9802 29998 3640 6380 703 979 5414 72 2151 31 1096 1048
Microsoft__Dot_NET 3741 2791 9661 586 5157 3640 13020 4046 325 688 3524 4 1317 42 683 577
Java 6161 4989 16987 1003 6059 6380 4046 25056 740 1158 2911 23 3664 31 1137 822
Debugging 1156 684 1906 51 738 703 325 740 2718 72 407 12 154 4 97 44
SDLC 1359 1151 2912 265 1004 979 688 1158 72 3546 683 4 533 18 150 190
Microsoft_SQL 4260 4163 10981 783 16512 5414 3524 2911 407 683 16512 26 823 9 860 365
testing_plan 242 84 173 32 35 72 4 23 12 4 26 242 1 0 2 1
J2EE 2105 1507 5489 298 1822 2151 1317 3664 154 533 823 1 7038 23 478 630
test_automation 247 30 276 40 21 31 42 31 4 18 9 0 23 318 0 2
RDBMS 1118 644 2555 106 1394 1096 683 1137 97 150 860 2 478 0 3192 190
PL_Slash_SQL 1043 881 2491 170 961 1048 577 822 44 190 365 1 630 2 190 2995

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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