Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - UNIX

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

UNIX 12352 1005 3914 965 1065 1257 4469 187 1242 432 3149 561 736 736 942 184
Unix_shell 1005 1005 210 90 118 138 363 0 52 102 213 54 195 195 35 18
Linux 3914 210 17032 733 622 1012 4806 36 1114 493 3151 383 411 411 1021 83
Solaris 965 90 733 1776 419 216 665 28 172 79 329 61 133 133 351 0
AIX 1065 118 622 419 2429 190 704 24 235 31 543 305 422 422 387 8
Oracle_Database 1257 138 1012 216 190 3909 3909 27 201 44 1066 130 199 199 176 4
database 4469 363 4806 665 704 3909 29998 72 1537 289 6380 839 941 941 1009 172
Unix_script 187 0 36 28 24 27 72 187 2 0 45 7 3 3 0 1
Data_Center 1242 52 1114 172 235 201 1537 2 5798 35 1001 80 183 183 326 1
Perl 432 102 493 79 31 44 289 0 35 1108 192 14 71 71 77 5
Java 3149 213 3151 329 543 1066 6380 45 1001 192 25056 601 1329 1329 479 128
DB2 561 54 383 61 305 130 839 7 80 14 601 1875 248 248 111 25
Websphere 736 195 411 133 422 199 941 3 183 71 1329 248 3045 3045 133 6
WebSphere_WAS 736 195 411 133 422 199 941 3 183 71 1329 248 3045 3045 133 6
SAN 942 35 1021 351 387 176 1009 0 326 77 479 111 133 133 4537 6
Informix 184 18 83 0 8 4 172 1 1 5 128 25 6 6 6 324

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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