Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Unix_script

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Unix_script 187 187 30 38 28 24 27 24 16 81 69 38 12 72 8 6
UNIX 187 12352 225 227 965 1065 1257 301 58 2559 2238 603 374 4469 154 27
clustering 30 225 774 0 110 91 51 4 13 71 199 7 25 373 2 0
Debugging 38 227 0 2718 46 7 43 220 26 1156 684 339 60 703 3 10
Solaris 28 965 110 46 1776 419 216 28 3 331 307 41 142 665 6 4
AIX 24 1065 91 7 419 2429 190 37 35 562 533 72 132 704 103 0
Oracle_Database 27 1257 51 43 216 190 3909 39 24 1164 861 274 133 3909 58 17
C 24 301 4 220 28 37 39 3450 37 908 545 115 40 498 1 3
Yau_Tsim_Mong_Area 16 58 13 26 3 35 24 37 1796 357 320 78 9 237 8 0
Testing 81 2559 71 1156 331 562 1164 908 357 30576 8047 2474 311 7254 202 82
Documentation 69 2238 199 684 307 533 861 545 320 8047 25235 1956 372 5774 217 154
web_application 38 603 7 339 41 72 274 115 78 2474 1956 9624 83 2597 33 36
Weblogic 12 374 25 60 142 132 133 40 9 311 372 83 1339 414 30 0
database 72 4469 373 703 665 704 3909 498 237 7254 5774 2597 414 29998 263 117
Cognos 8 154 2 3 6 103 58 1 8 202 217 33 30 263 912 1
Tai_Koo 6 27 0 10 4 0 17 3 0 82 154 36 0 117 1 541

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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