Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - VMware_Certified_Professional

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

VMware_Certified_Professional 224 185 68 62 75 31 11 70 47 51 37 57 85 33 7 34
VMware 185 4005 894 262 728 143 1 766 839 426 579 512 1223 364 51 410
Citrix 68 894 2185 70 409 14 3 521 205 183 372 331 300 64 5 179
MCITP 62 262 70 1965 187 45 0 468 155 693 402 282 300 531 27 156
Virtualization 75 728 409 187 3059 72 1 308 350 271 404 318 639 261 12 205
Redhat 31 143 14 45 72 592 1 40 124 29 44 74 449 33 5 25
Windows_domain 11 1 3 0 1 1 164 21 1 11 12 0 9 14 0 1
Windows_Server 70 766 521 468 308 40 21 7314 450 1106 908 597 1358 870 6 369
SAN 47 839 205 155 350 124 1 450 4537 389 295 429 1021 420 16 326
MCSE 51 426 183 693 271 29 11 1106 389 5377 572 1021 777 1795 57 246
Active_Directory 37 579 372 402 404 44 12 908 295 572 3198 221 745 346 6 153
Certification 57 512 331 282 318 74 0 597 429 1021 221 7917 798 818 63 723
Linux 85 1223 300 300 639 449 9 1358 1021 777 745 798 17032 643 167 1114
CCNA 33 364 64 531 261 33 14 870 420 1795 346 818 643 4959 112 275
LPI 7 51 5 27 12 5 0 6 16 57 6 63 167 112 294 80
Data_Center 34 410 179 156 205 25 1 369 326 246 153 723 1114 275 80 5798

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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