Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Visual_C_Sharp_

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Visual_C_Sharp_ 5445 1936 1052 1544 2201 693 1716 135 281 262 93 80 1606 744 116 294
Microsoft__Dot_NET 1936 13020 1570 3524 5157 903 4046 191 527 879 76 81 3741 1138 125 495
ASP 1052 1570 5801 2064 2755 256 1156 57 635 268 53 43 1567 436 20 243
Microsoft_SQL 1544 3524 2064 16512 16512 416 2911 128 939 872 44 23 4260 880 185 344
SQL 2201 5157 2755 16512 30011 878 6059 141 1182 1101 127 43 7436 1874 267 671
C_Plus__Plus_ 693 903 256 416 878 5140 1903 0 77 167 83 3 1527 769 5 426
Java 1716 4046 1156 2911 6059 1903 25056 113 571 373 131 104 6161 2203 100 922
Silverlight 135 191 57 128 141 0 113 417 29 45 16 0 114 23 0 31
Visual_Basic_Dot_NET 281 527 635 939 1182 77 571 29 2073 168 10 0 527 161 32 43
Visual_Studio 262 879 268 872 1101 167 373 45 168 1864 2 6 609 66 27 86
SOAP 93 76 53 44 127 83 131 16 10 2 305 31 170 48 0 48
Subversion 80 81 43 23 43 3 104 0 0 6 31 239 141 72 0 85
Testing 1606 3741 1567 4260 7436 1527 6161 114 527 609 170 141 30576 2013 193 916
Central__And__Western_Area 744 1138 436 880 1874 769 2203 23 161 66 48 72 2013 10706 48 227
OLAP 116 125 20 185 267 5 100 0 32 27 0 0 193 48 534 9
Object_Hyphen_oriented_Programming 294 495 243 344 671 426 922 31 43 86 48 85 916 227 9 2603

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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