Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - WCF

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

WCF 258 95 120 41 137 207 45 14 151 89 28 173 118 159 146 30
WPF 95 342 29 89 45 183 0 0 76 12 0 108 29 135 47 15
Active_Directory 120 29 3198 0 174 295 122 82 536 440 51 464 745 765 682 9
Silverlight 41 89 0 417 57 191 0 1 128 1 0 114 6 141 101 29
ASP 137 45 174 57 5801 1570 95 35 2064 251 46 1567 563 2755 1537 635
Microsoft__Dot_NET 207 183 295 191 1570 13020 264 117 3524 740 143 3741 1312 5157 3640 527
Software_as_a_service 45 0 122 0 95 264 675 101 81 252 57 236 281 154 194 1
Window_Azure 14 0 82 1 35 117 101 148 11 101 31 78 112 16 94 0
Microsoft_SQL 151 76 536 128 2064 3524 81 11 16512 730 62 4260 1539 16512 5414 939
Access 89 12 440 1 251 740 252 101 730 7462 145 1580 1058 1362 1598 91
Tai_Po_Area 28 0 51 0 46 143 57 31 62 145 916 197 294 93 110 0
Testing 173 108 464 114 1567 3741 236 78 4260 1580 197 30576 3274 7436 7254 527
Linux 118 29 745 6 563 1312 281 112 1539 1058 294 3274 17032 2883 4806 121
SQL 159 135 765 141 2755 5157 154 16 16512 1362 93 7436 2883 30011 9802 1182
database 146 47 682 101 1537 3640 194 94 5414 1598 110 7254 4806 9802 29998 653
Visual_Basic_Dot_NET 30 15 9 29 635 527 1 0 939 91 0 527 121 1182 653 2073

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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