Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Windows_Server

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Windows_Server 7314 908 1106 870 766 521 468 308 3652 520 542 1358 456 270 508 1023
Active_Directory 908 3198 572 346 579 372 402 159 1350 298 304 745 265 179 285 154
MCSE 1106 572 5377 1795 426 183 693 151 3161 281 346 777 312 744 421 384
CCNA 870 346 1795 4959 364 64 531 274 2969 239 559 643 255 416 502 382
VMware 766 579 426 364 4005 894 262 204 1499 342 338 1223 242 62 224 678
Citrix 521 372 183 64 894 2185 70 96 818 331 144 300 149 33 132 398
MCITP 468 402 693 531 262 70 1965 27 1236 246 35 300 71 194 102 177
Switches 308 159 151 274 204 96 27 1455 681 86 348 294 31 13 133 68
Higher_Diploma 3652 1350 3161 2969 1499 818 1236 681 62542 1312 2113 6752 1808 976 1966 4322
ITIL_Foundation 520 298 281 239 342 331 246 86 1312 3992 146 320 159 160 82 479
Firewall 542 304 346 559 338 144 35 348 2113 146 4333 1126 247 87 554 415
Linux 1358 745 777 643 1223 300 300 294 6752 320 1126 17032 485 217 1113 3914
Lotus_Notes 456 265 312 255 242 149 71 31 1808 159 247 485 3380 110 131 452
MCP 270 179 744 416 62 33 194 13 976 160 87 217 110 1481 50 70
TCP_Slash_IP 508 285 421 502 224 132 102 133 1966 82 554 1113 131 50 4096 340
UNIX 1023 154 384 382 678 398 177 68 4322 479 415 3914 452 70 340 12352

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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