Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Windows_domain

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Windows_domain 164 108 52 107 11 30 21 15 11 140 17 21 12 13 14 54
SharePoint 108 4088 88 227 17 55 20 141 61 2966 133 346 138 154 112 838
VoIP 52 88 1231 94 1 38 5 120 6 810 147 92 85 50 154 374
Overseas 107 227 94 7871 4 62 32 139 12 5900 168 375 138 104 118 1844
VMware_Certified_Professional 11 17 1 4 224 0 1 3 11 159 14 70 37 11 33 40
Kwai_Tsing_Area 30 55 38 62 0 2011 3 28 16 1256 61 31 17 16 49 668
Outlook 21 20 5 32 1 3 1331 93 97 411 95 138 54 54 78 316
VPN 15 141 120 139 3 28 93 2518 53 1482 594 292 277 78 429 589
MCP 11 61 6 12 11 16 97 53 1481 404 87 270 179 160 416 380
Degree 140 2966 810 5900 159 1256 411 1482 404 105752 2443 3646 1710 2568 2208 26058
Firewall 17 133 147 168 14 61 95 594 87 2443 4333 542 304 146 559 1059
Windows_Server 21 346 92 375 70 31 138 292 270 3646 542 7314 908 520 870 2101
Active_Directory 12 138 85 138 37 17 54 277 179 1710 304 908 3198 298 346 889
ITIL_Foundation 13 154 50 104 11 16 54 78 160 2568 146 520 298 3992 239 939
CCNA 14 112 154 118 33 49 78 429 416 2208 559 870 346 239 4959 1155
Full_Time 54 838 374 1844 40 668 316 589 380 26058 1059 2101 889 939 1155 41278

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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