Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - Wordpress

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

Wordpress 379 129 80 22 36 80 132 116 138 115 53 63 96 97 49 14
CMS 129 1351 113 17 108 166 347 220 395 246 76 115 278 435 93 1
Drupal 80 113 577 21 7 128 172 116 174 157 23 75 95 270 5 1
cross_browser_compatibility 22 17 21 65 0 21 46 44 9 37 0 11 10 16 0 0
Joomla 36 108 7 0 253 86 53 13 86 82 39 32 50 113 16 0
Open_Source 80 166 128 21 86 1325 194 181 423 204 12 86 108 377 23 8
Search_Engine_Optimization 132 347 172 46 53 194 4942 719 740 773 182 433 793 777 229 10
CSS 116 220 116 44 13 181 719 4292 711 1334 315 500 790 887 283 59
MySQL 138 395 174 9 86 423 740 711 7200 938 258 408 644 2020 174 10
JavaScript 115 246 157 37 82 204 773 1334 938 6061 463 613 991 1005 253 19
HTML5 53 76 23 0 39 12 182 315 258 463 1408 251 309 229 56 8
Jquery 63 115 75 11 32 86 433 500 408 613 251 2382 436 598 94 37
Flash 96 278 95 10 50 108 793 790 644 991 309 436 5594 792 567 9
PHP 97 435 270 16 113 377 777 887 2020 1005 229 598 792 6370 192 31
Photoshop 49 93 5 0 16 23 229 283 174 253 56 94 567 192 1990 3
Git 14 1 1 0 0 8 10 59 10 19 8 37 9 31 3 196

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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